Small Business Cybersecurity Myths

The increase in awareness surrounding small business cybersecurity this year has been overwhelming. Business owners and admins that once had a laissez-faire attitude toward cybersecurity are now exploring all avenues to secure their environments. This surge in interest is great, however, there are a great deal of misconceptions and myths around the term cybersecurity. Here are some of the most common security myths that you need to be aware of before you can call your organization secure:


1. We stay up with our industry compliancy regulations. That is enough to keep us safe.

Meeting industry compliance isn’t equal to a real cybersecurity strategy. Simply checking off boxes once a year does not ensure that your organization is secure. Industry regulations are often the bare minimum approach and should not be the gauge used to measure your organization’s security posture.


2. We are not big enough to be a target

Small businesses were targeted in more than 58% of cyberattacks in 2019 and it appears that trend will continue as we finish 2020. Small businesses are being focused because cybercriminals know that they often invest less in security, making them an easier target.


3. We don’t have anything worth stealing

If you have data, you are a target. Your data does not have to be valuable to a cybercriminal. That is because they know it is valuable to you. These attackers know that if they can steal or encrypt your data, you will be willing to pay for its return.

4. We have never been attacked, so we must be secure enough

This statement is a myth for a few reasons. First, it is not “if” you will experience a cyberattack, its “when.” This way of thinking can prohibit preparedness and leave you more vulnerable when you become the target.

Secondly, are you sure you have never been attacked? Cyberattacks have become incredibly sophisticated and you may have been breached unknowingly. Modern malware can sit silently on computers for extended periods of time before being detected.

5. We have an IT department, they are doing all the security.

Having an IT department is a great step towards a full cybersecurity strategy, but security is a shared responsibility. Employees and owners equally need to be aware of cybersecurity best practices. Things like how to avoid email scams and to not click dangerous links. Additionally, a cybersecurity policy should be created and provided to all employees outlining security expectations.


6. We have antivirus, that’s all we need.

Antivirus is great, you need that. But software can not insulate your business from every security risk. Furthermore, traditional antivirus is becoming less effective every day. Threats are constantly evolving so more robust solutions, like Endpoint Detection & Response platforms, are beginning to replace older antivirus software.

7. We have a very good password policy. That is good enough for us.

Strong passwords are a good start to securing your data. However, passwords can be guessed, hacked, and socially engineered into the wrong hands. Multi-factor authentication needs to be used in conjunction with strong passwords whenever possible.

8. Personal devices do not need to be secured.

Any device that can connect to your network can compromise your security. Employee owned phones, tablets, laptops, and smart watches can all pose risks. Those employees that use their own devices need to follow the same policies that apply to the company owned computers.

9. We have every cybersecurity tool in the book. We are 100% secure.

Cybersecurity is dynamic. It is a concept, not a destination. As attackers evolve new strategies, business owners need to be ready to implement new safeguards. Cybersecurity should be viewed as an ongoing and developing process.

10. Cybersecurity is too expensive

Yes, some cybersecurity tools can be expensive, but many options to protect your data require very little investment. Multi-factor authentication is usually free. A good backup solution is another great way to protect your data. And compared to the cost of significant downtime in the wake of an attack, it is almost always the cheaper alternative.

Just like a cyberattack, these myths represent a real threat to your business’ security. Understanding and debunking these myths are the first steps towards securing your organization. Protecting your network and data is a continual effort and one that demands participation from ownership and employees alike. Are you ready to take the next steps to secure your organization? Click here to get started today.


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