With warm weather on the horizon, small business owners and admins all over the world are planning their next vacation. Something to consider while planning that time off is how to secure your business data and devices so that you can truly relax. Here are a few considerations that are essential to protecting your business and online accounts while you are out of the office.
Out-of-Office messages are necessary to keep your contacts informed while you are on vacation. However, sharing too much detail can make you an enticing target. Bad actors can leverage the details you provide in OOO message in an impersonation attack against your employees. If possible, avoid specifics such as where you are vacationing, the duration of your trip, and your plans while out of office. Remember to keep it simple and consider disabling automated responses to email addresses not in your contact list.
It is common for people to let their guard down a bit while on vacation. However, it is still important to avoid unsecured public Wi-Fi. Even when accessing non-business data or systems. Stick with secure Wi-Fi networks that require a password to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks and other malware/viruses.
A VPN is a secure and encrypted connection that allows you to access the internet safely and securely from anywhere in the world. By using a VPN, you can protect your online activity from cybercriminals who may be monitoring public Wi-Fi networks.
Before leaving for vacation, make sure all devices, such as laptops and smartphones, have up-to-date software and are password protected. If not already in place, two-factor authentication should be enabled wherever possible.
It is a good idea to limit sharing any information that would indicate you are out of the office on social media. Similar to your out of office message, social media posts can provide a cybercriminal with context to launch an impersonation attack. We suggest waiting to share and post once you have returned to the office.
We strongly recommend informing your IT team of your plans be out of town. Your IT department may have security measures in place to protect company data, and they may need to take extra steps to ensure that your devices are secure while you’re traveling. They might also be able to provide you with information on how to connect to the company’s network while you’re away, such as using a virtual private network. And if your IT department is monitoring for unusual activity or login attempts, knowing that you are in a different city will aid in disseminating which actions are real and which are malicious.
Implementing these tips can help you keep your organization secure and give you the peace of mind needed to enjoy your time out of the office. If you are looking to improve your business’ IT security, migrate to the cloud for ease of access, or a consultant to help you grow and scale, reach out to The Purple Guys today.