What Are Managed IT Services?


IT specialist working at desk

As a business owner, your company is your life. Whether you own a large company or a small business in a niche industry, finding the right IT company for your industry is essential when it comes to reducing costs and getting the technical support you need to improve your business processes. At Golden Tech, we’re proud to partner with business owners in Northern Indiana, Michigan, and the Chicago area and provide quality IT solutions for a variety of industries. 

How Can Managed IT Services Help My Company?

Managed IT services are a way for business owners to delegate common IT tasks to an expert, typically to reduce the workload of in-house IT staff, better meet IT demand, replace current in-house teams, or gain more technical expertise. If your business needs 24/7/365 IT coverage, having a managed service provider (MSP) deal with IT processes can take a load off your back and let you focus on other areas of your business, saving you both time and money. 

Types of Managed IT Services

Managed IT services can encompass many processes, and every managed service contract may look a little different. Depending on the services you’re looking to implement, the technology and systems you use, the size of your business, and which specific systems you believe need to be managed, your service contract might focus on just some of all of your company’s IT needs. Here are a few of the most common types of IT services to consider before choosing a provider:

  • Automating and monitoring network tasks and managing network infrastructure and hardware, such as routers and switches.
  • Monitoring the health of hardware like desktops and servers, including their storage space.
  • Security services, such as anti-malware, anti-virus, and anti-spam solutions, incident reporting, general monitoring of network traffic, threat detection, and penetration testing.
  • IT help and communications support, such as troubleshooting hardware or software issues.
  • Cloud infrastructure management, configuration, and monitoring.
  • Management of subscription-based software solutions.
  • Monitoring and management of messaging software and communications applications. 

Benefits of Hiring a Trusted Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Should you choose to use the right managed IT service provider for your business needs, there are a number of benefits you can enjoy as a business owner. Even if you’re a smaller company, using an MSP can help you better achieve the same consistency as larger businesses and help you to retain a competitive edge in the market. Here are a few major benefits:

Reduced Workload

With your business growing, you’ll likely find it difficult for your team to keep up with the growing IT demands, leading you to assign additional work to other employees that may not even be on your IT team or hire additional team members altogether. Having an MSP can help to relieve your company of this extra workload so you can better focus on what really matters to you. 

Lower Costs

Since hiring an MSP often reduces or outright eliminates the need to hire and train an entirely new IT staff, it’s a great way to reduce labor costs. Signing a service-level agreement means you won’t have to worry about unexpected service costs that might arise. You can breathe easier knowing you’re keeping costs low while improving efficiency. 

Better Expertise

An MSP often has technical expertise that an in-house IT team may lack. Whether most of your systems are cloud or onsite, you’ll want access to a variety of resources to support your business solutions. An MSP can help you quickly solve an IT issue without having to spend time looking for resources or hiring new team members. 

Things To Consider When Choosing an MSP

While the benefits to hiring an MSP are many, there are a few things you may also want to keep in mind before you decide on the one for your business:


Flexible MSPs often offer you a model that allows you to choose the level of service that you require, whether you’re looking for something that offers everything and outsources the entire IT department or you only need one or two simple solutions. 


The right MSP will have an understanding of your industry and a proven track record of excellence that you can review yourself. The provider may have testimonials, references, and endorsements you can use to assess their reputation and see how effective they are at managing networks similar to that of your own. 

Strategic Planning 

In choosing an MSP, it’s important to pick one that can help you when it comes to planning for upgrades, configurations, and additions. Strong, reliable MSPs will help you understand how to manage your IT infrastructure to best meet your business goals and needs. 

What Does Golden Tech Offer? 

Golden Tech offers a full range of managed IT services to business owners like yourself who thrive in a changing business climate. Whether you’re in healthcare, construction, law, finance, or own a nonprofit, we can help you manage your network and create an IT plan that helps you to reduce operating costs and stay on top of your competition. As technology grows more complex, you’ll want a strong IT partner that knows your industry inside out. Here are just a few of the services we offer business owners:

Strategic IT Planning

Our team will conduct a comprehensive review of your network, identify its complexities, and provide you with a strategic plan that includes all of the technology you use in your business. Not only will this strategic planning help you to better identify your current needs, but it can also help you to uncover future needs. Our unique insight into new technologies can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Remote Monitoring and Maintenance 

Our remote monitoring and maintenance tools will let you breathe easy, knowing that your network is in good hands. We’ll continually monitor for server performance and make sure your network is at optimal health. If something isn’t working, we’ll quickly fix it and have it up again in no time. 

Help Desk

Our friendly help desk team will help you with any technology issues. We’ll simply set up a portal for you to submit and view tickets. We’ll never leave you in the dark.

Our services may vary, depending on your business and its needs. If you have any questions about our services or capabilities, you can fill out our contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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