Is your website hurting your business?

You only get one shot to make a good first impression. For most prospective customers, partners, and employees, it’s your website. If your website doesn’t make a positive impact on your visitors, they will move on in a hurry.

Take a look at your website. If it does not fit the outline below, it might be time to give it an update. Don’t worry, we know someone that can help.


Mobile Optimization:

If your site is not optimized for viewing on a mobile device, stop reading this and do something about it.

There are too many people accessing the internet via cell phones and tablets to ignore this. The graphic to the right represents what devices visitors are using to connect to

In many industries, the amount of people accessing online content on their mobile devices has exceeded the number of people using a desktop or laptop.

Even Google gives preferential treatment to companies that have mobile friendly websites. Without this optimization, you could find your site at the bottom of the Google search results page.

Overall appearance:

People love media, and they are more likely to consume media from your site than to read a paragraph- long mission statement.

Simply having media on your site is not enough – it must be quality. You want to use high quality images showcasing your team, office, or services.

Even quality stock photos are better than low resolution pictures from a cell phone.

Again, make sure all media is optimized for mobile viewing.


The “About” page

Your “About Us” page is your opportunity to show off your brand. Use this page to tell your company’s story.

It should define your culture and any differentiators between you and your competition.



Do not make it difficult to navigate your site. Dead links and outdated pages will have your visitors clicking the back button in search of a better experience, as well as drop your placement in Google searches. 

If the user likes your page, they will most likely want to get in touch. Make the “Contact Us” option easy to find and available on almost every page.


People want specific things when they visit your site:


  • To define your culture and gather details about the business.

  • Your location.

  • Customer referrals.

  • How to contact you.

Make sure all of these thing are present and easily accessible.


Your website reflects who you are as a business. This is your opportunity to captivate an audience without lifting a finger. Are you looking to update your site? We have recently updated ours. Check it out here.

Thanks to Lifted Logic, our site is now a true representation of who we are. Want to see more of their work? You can visit and Or just check out their awesome website at


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