The right antivirus for your business

It is common knowledge that Anti-virus software is a necessity for any critical machine.  Cyber-crime is a billion-dollar business and its customer base grows with every computer sold.  Threats are constantly evolving and without antivirus your data is vulnerable. There are many flavors of antivirus and in our opinion most antivirus is created equal…Equally unreliable. Anti-virus is comparable to a deadbolt lock on your front door.  While it wont keep out skilled and motivated criminals, it will serve as a deterrent to the majority of passerby and would be perpetrators.  It’s basically the bare minimum to safeguard your belongings.  What separates antivirus software is the ability to maintain, view, and control policies so that it can be used effectively.


What good is antivirus if you are not watching, using, installing or managing it?

For our clients, we provide a “Managed antivirus”, or MAV. What sets MAV apart from the others is the rich feature set that it provides. Not only does MAV stay up to date with the latest, known threats using a traditional signature-based protection, but it also protects against new viruses using sophisticated checks and behavioral scanning. With new threats being developed every day, these proactive measures help ensure solid virus and malware protection.


What MAV can do for you:

  • Extensive signature-based scanning: MAV uses traditional signature-based threat detection to lock down known threats.

  • Heuristic checks: Protect against previously unknown threats using heuristic checks, which detect new and unrecognized viruses in a sandbox environment away from a business’ core systems.

  • Active protection and behavioral scanning: MAV shuts down even the most sophisticated malware via continuous real-time monitoring that detects programs performing actions commonly associated with malware exploits.

  • SQL server – MAV knows SQL and can avoid the well-known issues and provide exclusions. Also works with other well-known programs and systems, the ground work has already been laid.

  • Outstanding performance: Keep scans lightweight to reduce system resource drain.

  • Scheduling: Schedule deep scans for convenient times, so you don’t disrupt employees during important productive hours.

  • Proactive notifications: We receive updates in near real-time, as well as in-depth reports across your endpoints, to help quickly remedy malware issues.

Are your systems protected? If they are not or if you are not sure, call us today to get started.


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