IT Services Plan and Resource Overview

Last modified on May 17, 2023

2023 Managed IT & Security Services Plan Comparison:

Managed IT and Security PlansStandardEnhancedPlusPro
Proactive Planning, Reporting and Consulting 
Baseline Strategic IT AssessmentXXXX
IT Standards Alignment SupportXXXX
Account Manager SupportXXXX
Assistance with IT Budgets and ForecastingXXXX
Monthly ReportingXXXX
Client Business ReviewXXXX
M365 Tenant ManagementXXXX
Change ManagementXXXX
vCIO Support++XX
Server, Desktop & Infrastructure Support
On-Site Support for Server and Networking (24×7)XXXX
On-Site Support for Client Endpoints (M-F, 8 AM – 5 PM except for holidays)XXXX
Unlimited Remote Helpdesk SupportXXXX
Microsoft Top Tier SupportXXXX
Support for User Adds, Deletions & ChangesXXXX
Inventory & Vendor Management
IT Asset TrackingXXXX
3rd Party Software License Renewal ManagementXXXX
Hardware Warranty TrackingXXXX
IT Vendor Management (e.g., ISP, Voice, Print, etc.)XXXX
Proactive System Monitoring & Management
Remote Monitoring and ManagementXXXX
Microsoft Patch ManagementXXXX
Firewall and Network Administration (e.g., Routers, Switches and APs)XXXX
Desktop OptimizationXXXX
Drive Space OptimizationXXXX
Cybersecurity Services
Email Spam FilteringXXXX
Antivirus ProtectionXXXX
DNS FilteringXXXX
Monthly Security Awareness Training & Quarterly Phish Testing XXX
Endpoint / Server Multi-factor Authentication XXX
Security Analyst XXX
Endpoint Encryption XXX
Advanced Endpoint Protection w/ EDR XN/AN/A
24 x 7 SOC / MDR Support  XX
Advanced Endpoint Protection  XX
Self-Service Password Resets  XX
Microsoft 365 Backup, Archive & Encryption (E-mail, Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive)  XX
Email Impersonation Protection & DMARC Reporting  XX
Security Framework Assessment  XX
Security Framework Remediation   
Security Engineer   X
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) – 1/Yr. Log Retention   X
Proactive Vulnerability Management   X
Proactive Vulnerability Remediation of Critical findings   
Managed Network Intrusion Detection   X
3rd Party Patch Management   X

+” – Available for additional charges and not included under the agreement unless specified.

” – Remediation efforts on behalf of audits or third parties, are limited to 20 hours annually for the Pro plan only; all other remediation efforts will be provided as quoted.

Prescribed Standards

The Purple Guys’ ability to support the client’s IT infrastructure effectively is contingent on the client adhering to a minimum set of Prescribed IT Standards (“Standards”) aligned with industry best practices. These Standards are essential for The Purple Guys to protect data and secure remote access to the network, fulfilling the agreed service levels in this Agreement.

These Standards include:

A. Server: The server should run a manufacturer-supported Microsoft Windows Server Operating System, equipped with Active Directory Services. The hardware must be suitable for its intended role, and its warranty should be up-to-date according to manufacturers’ recommendations.

B. Data Backup: The data backup should involve a manufacturer-supported and Purple Guys-approved backup solution capable of bare metal/disaster recovery backups and automated offsite transport. The backup hardware, software, and network must be designed to ensure effective backup and restoration for business continuity.

C. Antivirus/Antimalware: A cloud-based antivirus and antimalware solution, approved by The Purple Guys and not freeware, with an active update subscription, is necessary.

D. Network Security: A business-class firewall, approved by The Purple Guys, is required. Unsupported appliances include Linux ‘white box’ and router based IOS firewalls. Approved firewalls include Cisco Meraki, Cisco ASA, Fortinet and must include an active support contract with the manufacturer.

E. Network Connectivity: A Broadband Internet connection like Fiber or Cable Broadband is required. DSL or Satellite broadband is not supported.

F. Email: A Microsoft Exchange Server maintained internally with manufacturer support, or the implementation of Microsoft 365, as provided by the manufacturer.

G. Multi Factor Authentication: (MFA) must be enforced on all deployments of Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft 365, or G-Suite Email. We strongly recommend extending the implementation of MFA to further secure your digital assets, including servers, desktops, and VPNs.

H. Workstations and Laptops: Workstations should have a manufacturer-supported and The Purple Guys-approved Windows Professional operating system joined to an Azure or Active Directory Domain. The hardware must satisfy the manufacturer’s minimum requirements.

I. Operating Systems: Operating systems should be current, and manufacturer supported.

J. Licensing: Compliance with software licensing requirements specified by the software and application developer is necessary.

The client is responsible for adhering to these Standards and any subsequent updates. Non-compliance within a reasonable time frame allows The Purple Guys to adjust the Agreement’s pricing. Services related to outages, troubleshooting, remediation, and recovery efforts arising from deficiencies in these Standards are not included in the fixed fee Agreement.

The client must provide The Purple Guys with access to their computer network during and after business hours for necessary support and regular maintenance tasks. Some tasks will require downtime.

Technology Consulting

The following is an overview of the Technology Consulting available in The Purple Guys applicable managed IT & security services plan.

A. Strategy: Under our Purple Plus and Purple Pro managed IT & security service plans, you’ll benefit from the expertise of a dedicated Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO). Your vCIO will leverage a deep understanding of your business objectives to construct a bespoke technology roadmap. This roadmap is crafted to guide your technology investments towards enhancing customer service, increasing operational efficiency, and driving growth that aligns with your business goals. Your vCIO will provide critical insights into current technology trends and innovations, fortifying your business’s competitive position. They will assist in managing capital expenditures, shaping technology budgets, and coordinating significant events like office relocations and system upgrades. Their expertise is crucial in mitigating costly disruptions, protecting your business’s reputation, and keeping you ahead of evolving trends to face future challenges successfully.

B. Account Management:  At The Purple Guys, the dedicated account manager will be your essential conduit to our suite of expert services, making certain your needs and objectives are effectively met. They will assist with strategic IT planning and ensure that our service delivery is both efficient and effective. The account manager, together with your assigned vCIO, if applicable, will handle crucial tech-related decision-making processes, providing an additional layer of strategic alignment for your technology goals. Acting as your primary point of contact with The Purple Guys, the account manager will provide regular updates on performance, ongoing projects, and offer strategic advisement. Their responsibility extends to continually improving your relationship with us, striving to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, and proactively addressing any concerns that may arise. Furthermore, the account manager will be instrumental in risk management, identifying potential IT risks and collaborating with our technical team to develop and implement robust mitigation strategies. Ultimately, the account manager’s goal is to maximize the value you derive from The Purple Guys’ services, fostering a successful and beneficial partnership.

C. Client Business Review: Depending on your service plan, your assigned account manager or vCIO will conduct an extensive assessment of your current technology setup and future business aspirations. This process entails a comprehensive evaluation of your existing IT infrastructure and systems, pinpointing potential gaps and vulnerabilities while benchmarking your setup against industry standards. Your dedicated professional will engage closely with your leadership team to grasp your strategic business objectives, forming the basis for a tailored technology roadmap aimed at aligning your IT with your business goals. This review extends to proactive risk management, with your professional identifying potential IT risks and suggesting effective mitigation strategies covering cybersecurity threats, data privacy issues, and disaster recovery planning. Conducted up to four times per year, the Client Business Review serves to ensure your IT infrastructure effectively supports your business objectives, laying a robust foundation for future technology investments and improvements while keeping you prepared for impending challenges.

D. Executive Reports: Each month, The Purple Guys deliver a comprehensive report detailing network health, per-machine disk utilization, operating system summaries, security patch statuses, and ticketing information. We also offer the ability to generate custom reports to meet specific needs upon request. Please note that such customization may incur additional charges, determined by the complexity of the report required. Before any customization is undertaken, a detailed quote will be provided for your approval.

IT Standards and Alignment

The following is an overview of the Technical Alignment Services available in The Purple Guys applicable managed IT & security services plan.

A. Alignment Analyst Review: The Alignment Analyst can conduct up to four evaluations per year of your network’s trends, security, and performance. We will scrutinize your infrastructure to ensure it aligns better with industry standards and our established best practices. This includes ensuring your business adheres to security standards concerning access to your environment, such as password policies, remote access, and multi-factor authentication. The Alignment Analyst will also seek out and update any generic credentials that could be exploited, ensuring they are unique and secure. Each review yields audit documentation to verify the activity status of enabled accounts. The Alignment Analyst will diligently maintain up-to-date documentation related to your company’s IT infrastructure, securely stored and accessible as required. Our goal is to proactively safeguard your business’s security and efficiency on a daily basis.

B. Network Documentation: The Alignment Analyst will perform a thorough examination of your network, identifying potential failures, security vulnerabilities, and data backup issues. In support of The Purple Guys, comprehensive documentation will be produced, encapsulating the network’s overall design and offering a detailed account of network settings, installed software, and existing hardware. Upon request, we can provide reports highlighting the current hardware and software within your network, a valuable resource when contemplating upgrades.

C. Preventive Monthly and Quarterly Maintenance: Each month, The Purple Guys will carry out an automated maintenance checklist, ensuring your servers and network are functioning optimally and critical automated processes are working as they should. Additionally, up to four times a year, we will conduct a comprehensive on-site evaluation following a detailed checklist, confirming your company’s compliance with industry best practices.

D. Firewall Management: As part of this agreement, we will provide comprehensive security services. This entails maintaining and updating firewall configurations in accordance with manufacturer specifications, ensuring that your network remains secure. This service applies to firewalls that have an active vendor contract.

E. Domain Name Monitoring: The Purple Guys provide vigilant monitoring and tracking services for your registered domain name. This includes overseeing DNS changes and keeping track of the expiration dates of your registered domains. We maintain a historical record of DNS changes associated with your domain name, enabling us to actively identify both planned and unplanned modifications.

F. Unified Automation Services: As part of our managed services plan, we offer a comprehensive automation platform that streamlines the management and protection of your IT environment. This platform enables automated system discovery, documentation, and change detection, maintaining an up-to-date inventory of your IT systems and configurations across various platforms.

Centralized Services

Here’s a brief summary of the centralized services offered by The Purple Guys, included in the relevant managed IT & security services plan.

A. Proactive Network Monitoring Around The Clock: The Purple Guys will set up management software on your servers to facilitate remote observation and assistance. Your network is under constant surveillance, 24×7, to identify and report potential problems before they evolve into significant downtime, data loss, or costly repair issues. Our service encompasses:

i. Identification of offline servers, routers, and internet connections.

ii. Server-related problems like inadequate storage space and malfunctioning Windows services.

iii. Security risks and Anti-Malware update issues.

iv. Malfunctioning hardware such as degraded RAID arrays, memory errors, and failing hard drives.

B. Backup Management services as outlined in a separate agreement we offer. Our primary goal is to safeguard the integrity, security, and accessibility of our clients’ data. To achieve this, we provide a holistic backup solution that combines the advantages of both local onsite and offsite backups, ensuring a balance of immediate access, dependability, and data redundancy.

i. For the onsite backup, we employ a robust system that stores a local copy of your data on your premises. This approach offers the advantage of quick data restoration in case of minor mishaps such as accidental file deletions or hardware failures. Regular maintenance activities include monitoring backup success, testing the integrity of the backups, and managing storage capacities.

ii. The offsite backup component of our solution provides an additional layer of security, protecting your data against major incidents such as natural disasters, fires, or significant security breaches that could compromise onsite data. Offsite backups are stored in secure, geographically distant data centers. We ensure that these offsite copies are regularly updated, encrypted for security, and available for recovery when needed.

iii. Together, these dual backup strategies ensure that your data is always protected and readily available for recovery. We continuously monitor and manage this process, adjusting strategies as needed based on your data growth, changes in your business, and evolving best practices in data protection. Our proactive maintenance and administration of these backups provide peace of mind, knowing your critical data is safe and secure.

C. Microsoft Patch Management: To ensure your systems’ security and reliability, The Purple Guys will meticulously examine and then remotely implement crucial Microsoft security patches on the covered servers and workstations during prearranged maintenance periods.

D. Third-Party Patch Management: The Purple Guys prioritize your systems’ security and reliability. We will thoroughly review and remotely implement third-party patches for various products, including but not limited to Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Google Drive, and Java. This ensures that your systems remain up-to-date and secure.

E. Automation: Our team continuously seeks ways to increase automation, focusing on tasks that would typically require a technician’s intervention. By automating these processes, we minimize the need for manual troubleshooting, thereby freeing our skilled technicians to focus on more complex issues. This approach translates into higher system uptime and ultimately enhanced satisfaction for our clients.

Security Services

The following is an overview of The Purple Guys Security Services provided in the applicable managed IT & security services plan.

The Purple Guys are responsible for deploying, maintaining, and reporting on an agent-based security solution for our clients. This system is specifically designed to prevent the execution of malicious software on client devices. It also offers disk encryption and generates alerts for any conditions identified as suspicious by the endpoint protection tool.

A. Change Management: The Purple Guys will implement, sustain, and provide reporting through sophisticated, agent-based change management software for our clients. This solution is meticulously designed to track alterations within your infrastructure and promptly report these notifications for your awareness and control.

B. User and Licensing Audits: The Purple Guys will implement, sustain, and provide comprehensive reporting on Active Directory or Azure AD for our clients utilizing these services. Our approach not only ensures robust reporting on potential risk areas within your Active Directory/Azure AD installations but also facilitates meticulous user and license auditing for hosted email and internal solution stacks.

C. Security Alert Response and Reporting: The Purple Guys will meticulously examine security events as part of our network security monitoring service. We will assess alerts and, when necessary, escalate them to our IT support team for immediate action. This includes remediation of vulnerabilities, countering potential exploits, and addressing any other events that pose a significant risk within the client’s environment.

D. Managed Detection & Response: The Purple Guys will deploy, maintain, and report on an agent-based solution for our clients. This solution is designed to alert on suspicious activities observed by the agent-based solution and allow for further investigation of suspicious activity on hosts with the agent installed. The Purple Guys will leverage this agent where it is necessary to have a closer look at suspicious activity that may indicate an intrusion.

E. Security Operations Center (SOC) 24×7 Alert Monitoring and Analysis: The Purple Guys collaborates with a third-party organization that employs a collection of proprietary detection tools. These tools gather data and generate alerts based on activity within our clients’ networks. The third-party team assesses the output from these tools and categorizes security alerts using a combination of custom, predefined alert rules, abnormal activity detection, machine learning, and curated threat intelligence. This multifaceted approach enhances security event detection, uncovers harmful automation, identifies vulnerability exploits, and monitors potential attacker activity and data exfiltration. Upon detecting a critical breach, immediate action is taken to neutralize the risk and isolate the threat, preventing it from causing further harm.

F. Email Security Solution: The Purple Guys provide a comprehensive, cloud-based AntiSpam service that filters out inbound Spam, ensuring your server receives only clean emails. This solution not only scrubs your email for Spam and viruses but also proactively scans attachments for potential threats in a secure sandbox environment and offers URL link protections. Each user is given a web-based dashboard to manage their individual allowed and disallowed lists and to review quarantined emails. In the event of an Internet or email service outage, our service prevents email loss by automatically queuing inbound emails for up to 48 hours. Furthermore, depending on your plan, we include seamless and behind-the-scenes email archiving, encryption, and Microsoft 365 backup features. As part of our extensive security coverage, we incorporate an advanced system utilizing AI and deep learning to identify and neutralize threats such as phishing, ransomware, and business email compromise before they reach your network. These added layers of security ensure the integrity and availability of your email data, providing an all-encompassing email security solution.

G. Web Browsing Security Services: The Purple Guys enhance your internet browsing security by implementing advanced DNS services. This approach offers a more secure, speedy, and reliable internet access. Furthermore, we can assist in controlling what content can be accessed within your business network. Using content categorization and domain tagging services, we can block specific categories of online content, thereby ensuring a safer and more productive browsing environment for your team.

H. Network Monitoring Services: The Purple Guys employ a cloud-based network monitoring and management tool that will allow for proactive monitoring alerts, discovery of distributed IT assets, configuration change management, and automated security and performance updates.

I. Vulnerability Assessments: The Purple Guys conduct thorough vulnerability assessments on all managed devices connected to our clients’ networks. We continuously scrutinize the security landscape of your infrastructure via regular network scans. To stay current with emerging threats, we extract data daily from national databases. This strategy enables us to swiftly spot new vulnerabilities and assess their potential to impact your network, ensuring our readiness to counter evolving cybersecurity challenges. Up to four times a year, we compile a comprehensive vulnerability report. In this document, we rank the identified vulnerabilities using the industry-standard Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This system helps us prioritize remediation strategies based on each vulnerability’s potential impact and severity, focusing first on those that pose the most significant threat to your network’s security.

J. Proactive Vulnerability Remediation of Critical Findings: The Purple Guys are dedicated to the robust security of your IT environment. We perform exhaustive internal vulnerability assessments to pinpoint any potential weaknesses that could be exploited. Upon discovering critical vulnerabilities that could substantially compromise your systems, we prioritize their immediate remediation. Our proactive stance ensures that these high-risk vulnerabilities are swiftly addressed to mitigate potential cyber threats. We provide remediation of critical findings from auditors or third-party vendors for up to 20 hours per contract year, underscoring our commitment to your security. For vulnerabilities classified as high, medium, or low, we adopt a needs-based approach to remediation. This involves assessing the potential risk and impact associated with each vulnerability, considering the involved systems and data at risk, before deciding on the necessary course of action. If remediation for these vulnerabilities or any remediation that exceeds the allocated 20 hours per contract year is required, we will provide a separate quote outside of this agreement. For informational findings, we evaluate each issue in detail and provide the required guidance or remediation based on the specifics of the situation and in alignment with best practice guidelines. Upholding the security of your systems and data is our primary goal, and we apply our expertise to ensure all vulnerabilities are suitably managed and resolved.

K. Security Framework Assessment: The Purple Guys offer an annual comprehensive Security Framework Assessment to assess your organization’s information security practices. Our expert security analysts evaluate your security controls and procedures against CIS Critical Security Controls. We identify any gaps or weaknesses, provide recommendations for improvement, and deliver a detailed report to enhance your overall security posture. Our Assessments help ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate risks, and instill confidence in your customers and partners by demonstrating your commitment to robust information security practices.

L. Security Framework Remediation: Following our comprehensive Security Framework Assessment, we provide tailored Security Framework Remediation services to align your organization’s information security practices with industry-recognized frameworks. Based on the assessment findings, we address areas of non-compliance or weaknesses by developing customized remediation strategies. Our aim is to enhance your overall security posture, ensure regulatory compliance, and mitigate the risk of security incidents. By partnering with us, you can establish robust security measures that align with recognized standards, instilling trust and confidence in your customers and partners.

M. Log Aggregation and Storage: The Purple Guys will set up and oversee a log forwarding agent for all servers and workstations within our clients’ monitored networks, provided services have been ordered for these devices. Logs, including those from the Server Operating System, applications, security, among others, will be directed to The Purple Guys’ log aggregation and storage solution. This platform allows our Security Operations Center (SOC) personnel to perform targeted searches. Logs will be kept in a readily searchable format for up to 31 days, with an additional 12-month cold storage provision. For any further storage requirements, we can make accommodations and will provide a separate quote.

N. Network Intrusion Detection: The Purple Guys will install, manage, and generate reports on an appliance-based Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). This system will be routinely updated with the most recent threat intelligence rule sets provided by commercial vendors and information sharing organizations. Alerts will undergo an assessment by Security Operations Center analysts, utilizing the Security Orchestration and Automated Response (SOAR) system for automated classification and processing of alert data.

O. Active Directory and Azure Active Directory Management: Our comprehensive services include robust monitoring of both on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, as well as vigilant surveillance of Microsoft 365 accounts. We are dedicated to actively tracking and analyzing account activities, including the creation, alteration, or deletion of accounts. We pay special attention to anomalies and unusual activity patterns, swiftly responding to any potential threats. In addition, we ensure that privileged access is strictly controlled, allowing only verified users to gain elevated permissions. This service is integral to maintaining the security and integrity of your user management system across all platforms, both locally and in the cloud.

P. Security Awareness Training: We provide dynamic cybersecurity awareness training that employs captivating micro-learning modules, each spanning 3-4 minutes. These modules use the power of “Hollywood-style storytelling” to educate and equip employees, executives, entire organizations, and even their families, turning them into effective defenders against cybersecurity threats.

Q. Phishing Defense Training: The Purple Guys will periodically assess your users’ vulnerability to phishing through carefully crafted campaigns that mimic actual threats. In the event users are deceived during these test scenarios, we will promptly provide them with targeted online training to enhance their awareness and defense strategies.

Remote Support

Clients can submit trouble tickets and “how-to” questions via the management software on their workstation, by emailing [email protected] , or by calling us directly.  Remote support and remote management will be provided for all basic support needs related to the operating system, internet connectivity, email access, standard Microsoft Office applications, and line of business applications. The Purple Standard, Purple Enhanced, Purple Plus and Purple Pro plans include unlimited remote support during business hours.

Onsite Support

The Purple Standard, Purple Enhanced, Purple Plus and Purple Pro plans include unlimited onsite service visits for desktop, server, and network support. The frequency of onsite visits is predicated by incidents that The Purple Guys remote support team is unable to resolve remotely.  Onsite work performed on servers, desktops, or networking equipment outside the hours of 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday except for holidays may be subject to After-Hours/Holiday fees and minimums. Additionally, onsite work performed outside of The Purple Guys service area (e.g., 100-mile radius from the local office) may be subject to additional fees.

Assistance needed on devices not currently covered by the agreement, or work that provides new capabilities, such as installing new servers or upgrading to a new operating system, is considered billable project work and is outside of the scope of the agreement. 

Third Party Vendor and ISP Management

Under the Purple Standard, Purple Enhanced, Purple Plus and Purple Pro plans, The Purple Guys will work with your third-party technology vendors to resolve challenges.  For example, if you experience an Internet outage, The Purple Guys will work directly with the ISP instead of requiring you to manage the communication and coordination. The same is true for any other software vendor you may need assistance coordinating support with. We will then be sure to update you with any changes, support appointments, or visits from the vendor. We cannot guarantee an SLA for this as we will be working on the vendor’s timeline for resolution.

A. Email Services: The Purple Guys will provide support to ensure continuity of email services based upon the number of users specified in this agreement.

B. Smart Phones: The Purple Guys will provide support for email sync on iPhone and Android smart phones. 

C. Network Device Connectivity: The Purple Guys will manage and remediate any issues or problems related to internal network switches and routers. Additional fees may be incurred for replacement of equipment or upgrades.

D. File and Print Services: This includes deleting unnecessary files when requested and establishing user directories for file management. The Purple Guys will also establish network printers on the network and provide user access to these printers.

E. Remote Office Connectivity: The Purple Guys will provide support for all remote office connectivity at the location addresses stated in this Agreement. Additional charges may be incurred for providing on-site services to remote locations and users.

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